5 habits to have in your morning routine


5 habits healthy people do Coach Gus Martin

1. Never hit the snooze button

Winners never do this! As soon as your alarm goes get out of bed. Hitting snooze a metaphor for your life. Place your alarm the other side of the room or have a light alarm in the bedroom (this helps you come out of a deep sleep gradually) and place your main alarm in the room next door- close enough that it wakes you of course.  

2. Make your bed

Do this as soon as you have turned off your alarm.  This will stop you even considering going back to bed and gives you a second quick win within 2 minutes of getting up.  These really count. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment first thing. Small wins lead to big wins.

3. Make a greens smoothie

Getting a bolus dose of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients mean you don’t need to worry about how many veggies you have to consume for the rest of the day, You can add in some fruit and maybe even some protein powder if you want to make it a little more substantial.

4. Get up 15 minutes earlier

This will make such a difference and it turns you from a reactive person to a proactive person. It gives time to plan your day, maybe do some meditation or just have enough time so that you are not rushing and feeling stressed when you leave the house.  We all know how stressful that can be.

5. Do some form of activity or exercise first thing

This doesn’t have to be a full workout, but doing some form of physical activity will help wake you up by driving blood flow all around the body and will help bolster your mood and clarity of thought ready for the day ahead.  I guarantee you will feel better as a result of doing this.  If you are into yoga then maybe a few poses followed by some breathing work.  If you are more yang then 5-15 reps of your favourite exercises will suffice.