Coach Gus Martin
Gus Martin in London PT Nutrition Performance.jpg

Here’s what the clients say

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What do you get out of training with Gus?

Peter, 40, Entrepreneur

My goal is muscle-gain. However, I know that that’s a big time and money investment and I’d never before trusted that a trainer could actually deliver results I wanted. I wanted a trainer who had the type of look that I wanted to achieve and who I thought was smart enough to be able to teach someone else to replicate that.

Gus’ own physique speaks for itself but I really liked how he was to train with. I knew that he knew my limit and I trusted him to push me up to it. That means less work for me as I can just put my faith in him to get me there.

Then over time I added two more reasons to why I like training with him:

  1. I really enjoy hanging out with Gus. He’s a really good guy to hang out with and has become a really good friend and confidante.
  2. I love the fact that I don’t need to make any decisions. I don’t need to decide *whether* to train, how hard to train, what to train or what my pace is. I just turn up and he thinks through all of that. I have so many decisions to make in my job that I don’t want to make them in the gym too.
Julia, 40, Solicitor

Keeping me fit, healthy and mobile despite having a fused ankle (my sp’ankle!) that other trainers have not been able/wiling to work around.

Kevin, 25, Joint CEO of a Property Redevelopment Company

Professionalism and an understanding of the physical and mental challenges anyone has to overcome to make a change in health or body composition.

Matt 38 years, Sales Executive

When I first started working with Gus, I wasn’t in great health or physical shape and I wanted fast results. Having been a recreational long distance runner in the past, I know well what can be achieved through hard training alone. And though we did work hard regularly through this initial phase, it was Gus’ nutritional advice – and his commitment to ensuring I understood and followed it as best I could – that made the difference and ultimately got me to my health and weight goals in quick time. Since then, it has become second-nature to always be aware of what and how I’m eating.

Pooja, 32, GP & Management consultant

Gus really gets how difficult it is to get better nutrition and fitness built into your life - when it's all go go go and work life is seriously hectic. He's made nutritional goals achievable through being practical and understanding, and goes the extra mile to keep me on track with weekly check ins and helpful suggestions. He's helped me to be much more conscious about what I'm eating and there's no crazy diets to follow. Just learning how to eat well, plan meals and enjoy good quality food.

His friendly, encouraging but no nonsense attitude to personal training means I'm doing exercises I thought I could never do and always leave the gym feeling pumped for the day ahead.

Jonathon, 40, IT Consultant

Gus is a true professional when it comes to training and nutrition. His passion for both subjects make it impossible not to be inspired and to strive for better results and performance.

No two sessions are the same ensuring that they remain interesting and that the learning never stops.

I've found working with Gus has not only taken my fitness to a completely different level but also encouraged me to use the new parts of the gym outside of my PT. and most importantly enjoy it. I've increased my endurance and speed in both half marathon and triathlon events.

The advice and guidance both during and outside the sessions has been fantastic.

If you want to work with someone who really cares about fitness and is driven to set and achieve your goals then I would totally recommend contacting Gus.

Miqueias, 32, Osteopath & Medical Acupuncturist

When you workout with Gus, you get a trainer who genuinely cares about you, your health and your body. His knowledge of fitness and nutrition is expansive and his ability to motivate you into "beast mode" is impressive. One of Gus' strengths is that he is always adjusting the workouts based on your progress. Every time a workout starts getting easy, he knows just how to step it up a notch.

Janet, 53, Corporate Vice President

Gus is expert in his field, an excellent PT and advocate for nutrition, fitness and weight management. Gus will tailor programs to your personal goals and more importantly is also is ambitious for you, and will push you to achieve above and beyond your expectations and goals.

Felicia, 50, Assistant Director of Nursing

I have known Gus my personal trainer for approximately 3 years. When I first met him I did not know what to expect but he was on it from day 1. He is a fantastic trainer but so much more, he is a motivator, supporter and real advocate for health and life transformation.

As a nurse, I encourage others to be healthy but do not always live those values. Gus lives and breathes those values and imparts this to all his clients so that they do the same. He has really changed my thinking and psychology especially around putting myself first and taking care of myself. Due to his military background - he is a positive disciplinarian and I relish this approach as it's what keeps me afloat when I am rebelling and actually gets the best out of me during training sessions with him.

I have always had a sensitive stomach, tender abdomen and was eventually diagnosed with an ulcer and was not really sure what the cause. Gus scheduled me in for a nutritional consultation and we went through my diet as well as my attitude towards food. I did not realise I was gluten intolerant which was a major cause of my bowel dysfunction. The advice and changes that he has helped me implement has totally transformed my gut health and I have virtually no pain.

Gus is the best, I wouldn't train with anyone else, he is always positive, always encouraging, always challenging and wants to always get the best out of you and is constantly helping you realise that great health leads to a great life.

I don't want to be sappy, but Gus is my hero.

Scott, 35, Director in Digital Marketing Company
  1. “Do as I do” Passion for your craft.
  2. A genuine, integrity-driven, devotion to your clients.
  3. Uncompromising expectation of yourself and me.
Andrea, 50, Biochemist
  1. Kinship
  2. Accountability
  3. Aspiration
  4. Duty
Pete, 39, Entrepreneur

Accountability, Authenticity (you really do seem to care and buy into what you're peddling) and Aspiration (in that you want you and us to progress and we want to progress to be like you also).

Liam, 36, Director in a Digital Marketing Company
  1. Tough love
  2. Support
  3. Belief in me
Silvia, 26, Spa Manager

The reason why I started training with Gus was to stop having back pain. Now, after a year...please, give me heavy weights to lift!!

What I love about training with Gus is the way he sees me as an individual. He is always 100% focus on me and I feel supported in every side of my life.

Emotions have a big impact on my life, on what I choose to eat, how stressed I can be, how much I just don't want to train. He has alway supported me in every way, giving me the confidence to keep up the hard work!

He made it possible for me to love the gym first of all, but also to really understand the importance of a good diet (I've been a female all my life and I discover only now that not eating sugar will stop my pms???).

The way he explains how the body works, in both the training and the nutrition, is very detailed and always clear (to be honest I won't be able to repeat to you a single word, but it just makes sense and opens your eyes! The guy knows what he's talking about...)

So, in conclusion... Gus didn't change my life... He changed ME in wanting to change my life!

Dipan, 35, Dentist

Gus has revolutionised the way I exercise and eat. He has a unique "no-nonsense", simple approach to help you achieve your goals. I have had personal training before but what sets Gus apart is his dedication to see you through your objectives.

If you want to see someone who has a genuine interest in making your aspirations a reality..he is your man!

Gus for me in 3 bullet points:

  • Accountability
  • Knowledge and passion for fitness and nutrition
  • The only “guy” to make my balls sweat.
Paul, 52, Executive

I spent a very enjoyable and effective couple of years working with Gus before he changed gyms. Gus doesn't just teach training and nutrition, he lives it as his lifestyle. Gus is an excellent trainer, always on time, always prepared, and always pushing you on. He has a great understanding of biomechanics and really emphasises technique to make sure your raining is both safe and effective. He also has a strong expertise in nutrition and emphasises the synergy of the combination of training and nutrition. Training with Gus is a lifestyle choice - its not for the faint hearted! But if you want to improve your health and fitness through training and nutrition then I highly recommend Gus to you.

James, 26, Senior Recruitment Consultant

After speaking with Gus in detail about my current workout routine and what I wanted to achieve he was able to identify areas I needed to work on.

He tailored me a fantastic online coaching plan to help strengthen weaker areas and increase my flexibility. He then corrected my diet! I am very happy with the service I have been provided and would recommend Gus as a Coach to anyone looking to achieve their goals fast and effectively!

John, 27, Entrepreneur


Prior to working with Gus, I had always realised nutrition was an important part of any training program; it was only by working with him though I was able to create a unique plan, specific to my own health and fitness needs, vitally learning there is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all package’. Through this unique program, I have been able to take my training to the next level, manipulating the way I look through the food I eat. More importantly though, I have been able to positively affect my hormone levels, something traditional medicine had been unable to do.


Mixing an academic lifestyle, whether at work or university, alongside a professional sporting career is never easy. Through working with Gus though I have been able to ensure I have been able to not only maintain, but enhance, my fitness levels, despite being on the practice fields significantly less than my piers. Whether it be Olympic lifting, power lifting, or the odd vanity program before heading on holiday, Gus has always been able to create a completely unique program specific to my needs, as well as providing the expertise to ensure I arrive at the field completely prepared.