My Top 10 Healthy Habits

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Good habits are the backbone of vitality, health and wellness. Below is my account of the most effective habits to adopt if you are looking to optimise your health, lifestyle and the way you look naked.

1.Go to bed 30 mins earlier. This can get you more sleep and will allow you to get up earlier to get your most important stuff done

2.Get up 15 mins earlier. This allows you to not have to rush in the morning and allows you to have some you time before your working day starts.  If you are pushed for time in the day this is essential.

3.Create a morning routine. Think about what you want to get done before you start your working day and plan this into your morning routine.  Doing this avoids the stress of rushing Examples could be exercise, making lunch, meditate, read, journal.

4.Make a green smoothie.  Add 2-3 different green veggies, a little fruit, some water and maybe some protein powder together and blend. This gives you the foundation of vitamins and minerals you need to kick-start your day.  

5.Exercise 3-5 times a week. This doesn’t have to be in a gym for a long period of time. 15-30 minute sessions are fine if the intensity is there.  Do it in the morning. Nobody regrets exercising in the morning.

6.Become part of a community that supports your goals. Anything you want to achieve is always easier when you are part of a team.I encourage all my clients to train with others outside of our 1:2:1 sessions. Support from others is key.

7.Do your most important task first. Set your daily tasks in order of importance (do this the night before) and tackle them in order of importance.

8.Train with intent and purpose. Quality of training far outweighs quantity. Use the minimum effective dose by maximizing your effort through every set, rep or interval.

9.Make your own food.  This puts you in full control of what goes on your body and when achieve this the results come

10.Be as active as you can.  We are a nation of gym lovers who sit down for a living.  aim for 10000 steps a day and if your goal is weight loss this should be increased to at least 12000.  Increased activity is the missing link for many in their weight loss goal.