My Spanish Journey of Self Discovery

I feel happier, less anxious, and more aligned with my values and principles than I have in a very long time.


For the last 4 months or so, I removed myself from the Rat Race of London and am so glad (and i little bit proud of myself) I did it. Let me take you back to February 2022.

I wasn’t happy. I was surrounded by constant reminders of a previous time. I wasn’t growing and I wasn’t feeling any form of fulfilment. I needed a change!

It was decision time

I made the decision to leave the flat, leave London and head to Spain (Spanish was my lockdown project).

My mindset had finally shifted from continuously putting people’s needs first to putting my own needs first. I realised that there is way more to life than what London and what my life in London was offering (sidebar- I still love London).

I was scared shitless!

Comfort was not my friend

Leaving a life that paid well to the unknown, to a different country and to an uncertain financial future was a little daunting.

Despite my near overwhelming fear, there was something that told me I had to do it. 

I needed to do something that would force me to think differently.

I needed a change that would challenge me to develop a greater perspective. I needed a new set of experiences.

Deep down I knew that I was going to move on and feel joyful and fulfilled again I needed to be very uncomfortable for a while.

Off to Malaga, I went

So in March I left London and headed to the south of Spain- Malaga (via Cambridge- thanks Lucy, you absolute Lej).

The highs

It was a great trip and one that exposed me to many scenarios and feelings. 

I saw old friends and made new ones. 

My Spanish improved exponentially.

I partied a lot.

I fell even more in love with the Malaga, the sun and the heat.

My confidence to travel and be on alone grew to new heights.

I went to places I had never been.

And I even snuck in a cheeky trip to Ibiza- keeping up the streak (12 years on the bounce).

The Lows

That said there were long periods of time I felt lonely.

I spent a lot of time paralysed by my own thoughts.

I constantly thought “WTF am I doing? I am 42, shouldn’t I be paying a mortgage and living in suburbary now?”

The big financial hit was 100% worth it

I lost clients and the security of my income which was already significantly lower than what I had been used to. Which is a big old stress regardless of how bohemian you are!

On reflection, these were not bad experiences. These were just challenges I needed. These were the discomfort I needed. They helped provide me with valuable insight, perspective and clarity on what I wanted from the next chapter in my life.

They made my life pretty damn uncomfortable in the immediacy but were the backbone of how I came to realise what I wanted from the next 5 years. Thank you, Spain (and a little bit of Portugal). I had a blast.

 4 Months Later

Fast forward 4 months I now have much more clarity about what I want from the next chapter of my life. 

  • I want a kick-ass, flexible online coaching business that provides me with the opportunity to live and work from anywhere on the globe 

  • I want to be that silver, slightly balding fox who’s still in good shape but still very much enjoys a beer (or 7)

  • I want to spend more time at home (Scotland) and reconnect with those I love the most 

  • I want to find love

  • I want to coach, lead and inspire the people around me in order for them to become whoever they dream to be

  • I want to read and write more

  • I want my work to fit around my life, not the other way around!


Prior to my 4-month escape, my anxiety was super high, I wasn’t living fully in accordance with my values and principles.

No more!

I will not be that slave to the grindstone.

Work no longer comes first. My life does!

I return to London in September, but I have made a promise to myself that I won’t go back to how it was. 

I will spend 10 days a month in Scotland (or Spain) each month.

I will not be held hostage by the money

When it is time to say goodbye once and for all too big city life I will do it swiftly, with ease and without deliberation.

It is so hard to take the plunge but if my experience is anything to go by it is most definitely worth it.

If any part of my story resonates with you then I urge you to take go with your instinct.

Take a leap of faith. You will not regret it!

Please leave a comment if this strikes a cord.

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